January 22, 2007

Here We Go!

The house is cleaned, our bags are packed, and the cat care schedule is all set (thank you Kim, Casey, Sherry, Jill, Donna and Mom!). We are a little anxious but mainly just eager to get to Owen and finally complete this long, winding journey.

We leave tonight and arrive in Frankfurt at about 9AM on the 23rd, and then press on to Almaty, arriving close to midnight. The morning of the 24th (Kaz time, which is 11 hours ahead of EST) we will meet with the sisters, then board the Yak for Owen's birth city. We hope we will be able to visit him that evening, but if not our visits will start on the 25th. We'll try to update the blog shortly thereafter.

Your thoughts, good wishes and prayers are much appreciated, and we will carry a bit of each of you with us! Check back often!

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